Major League Baseball Red Sox pitcher Hirokazu Sawamura has joined the league championship series with the Astros starting on the 15th.

Pitcher Sawamura is the first member of the playoffs.

On the 15th, the Red Sox announced 26 registered players for the League Championship Series with the Astros in Houston, Texas, and pitcher Sawamura became a member for the first time.

Pitcher Sawamura, who is in the first year of the Major League Baseball, pitched in 55 games this season, marking a record of 5 wins and 1 loss and an ERA of 3.06, and advanced to the playoffs with only one Japanese player, but so far with the Yankees. Both the district series advancement deciding match and the district series with the Rays were not members.

Astros has a batting average of 20%, 6 minutes and 7 minutes in the regular season, which is 1st out of 30 teams, and has a strong batting average. I want to take the plunge without being afraid to throw it in. "