Anicet Mbida 6:53 am, October 12, 2021

Every day, Anicet Mbida makes us discover an innovation that could well change the way we consume.

This Tuesday, he is interested in a new method of female contraception, the first "pill" that works without hormones.

Today's innovation could create a small revolution in female contraception.

We are currently testing the first “pill” that works without hormones.

This could change everything: since we no longer disrupt the hormonal system, we avoid most of the side effects: weight gain, acne breakout, disappearance of periods? etc. This is a treatment based on antibodies that will specifically target sperm, preventing them from moving and reaching the egg. A spermicidal treatment. The novelty: we do not use synthetic products, but antibodies that are found naturally in the uterus of some sterile women. As it turns out, the reason they can't have children is because they make this natural spermicide on their own. It is therefore the antibodies contained inside that researchers at the University of North Carolina used to develop this contraceptive.

But is it reversible?

Will we still be able to have children afterwards?

In principle yes.

The action is only temporary: as long as the antibodies are present, there will be no pregnancy.

But as soon as the treatment is stopped, the woman could immediately become pregnant.

It is still a laboratory treatment.

Clinical trials are underway to ensure that there is no risk.

But, in principle, there should be no worry of rejection, since again, this is an antibody naturally produced by some women.

And what form will this contraceptive take?

Will it be a pill?

Probably not.

We tend to prefer an egg or a cream to apply before intercourse.

We are also thinking about a kind of IUD-type ring that would release the antibody like the current hormone IUDs ... But this time, without the side effects that plague women's lives today.