Major League Baseball Mariners pitcher Yusei Kikuchi started the athletics game and scored three goals in three innings without losing.

On the 23rd, pitcher Kikuchi started pitching in the athletics match held at the opponent's home base in the middle of the 4th.

Pitcher Kikuchi struggled to control from the start, and although he managed to score no points in the first inning, he gave a runner with a walk in the second inning, and was first in the lead with a hit and a sacrifice fly.

In the following three times, he got two points with a walk and two hits, and got off the mound this time.

Pitcher Kikuchi threw three times and scored three goals, hit three hits, gave four walks, and stole three strikeouts.

Pitcher Kikuchi won or lost, and this season is 7 wins and 9 losses.

The Mariners won 6 to 5 in a come-from-behind victory and won 5 consecutive victories.