Last year, Djurgården won in five of six meetings with Linköping.

But that memory quickly faded when Östgötarna visited the Court on Sunday.  

The victory numbers were written to 6-2 for Linköping and it was during the middle period that the goal scorer came loose for the guests.  

Four goals in the space of twelve minutes, where not least Justine Reyes 2-1 stood out: the California-born forward was responsible for a draw by the high school before shots were fired on goal. 

US-sounding goal scorers were behind most things

And the fact is that it was Linköping's new American shoes that were the victory organizers throughout the match.

Olivia Zafuto, in HV71 last season, became a two-goal shooter and Sydney Brodt, a new acquisition from Minnesota, got to put her first full hit in the LHC jersey.  

Djurgården, who started the first period well when Hannah Miller played Felicia Linder to 1-1, struggled to get back into the game in the final period - but in vain.

The Stockholm team's reduction was a small consolation, as Linköping crowned the evening with another goal before the match was over and was seen hugging each other and celebrating big after the final signal.  

Linköping's victory means that the team is still undefeated in this year's SDHL with three matches played - one round less than Luleå and Brynäs who are currently topping the table.