In Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture, the hometown of Shohei Ohtani, the 17th of every month is called "Otani Day" after the uniform number "17" in the Major League Baseball Angels, in order to boost the momentum of support. City officials wore red T-shirts with uniform designs to work.

In Oshu City, the 17th of every month has been called "Otani Day" since 2018 when Otani transferred to the Angels.

On the 17th, the last "Otani Day" of the season, the mayor, city council members, and staff were working in the official Major League Baseball T-shirts designed with the Angels uniform.

Each T-shirt is purchased at its own expense, and city officials, as well as local banks, credit unions, and power companies are doing the same.

One of the city officials said, "I'm working with the same burning feeling as this shirt. I'm feeling a little sick now, but I'd like you to explode from here and take the home run king." Was there.

In addition, a board displaying the results of Otani was installed at the entrance of the city hall, and the number "44" indicating the number of home runs as of the 17th was displayed.

Mayor Masaki Ozawa said, "The whole city is getting energized by Mr. Shohei. There are expectations for King Homerun, but I will continue to support him in good times and bad times."