Major League Baseball Rangers pitcher Kohei Arihara started the game against Diamondbacks at his opponent's home base on the 8th, but he did not win the third victory with two goals in the middle of the fifth inning.

Pitcher Arihara returned from the right shoulder surgery and was the second starting pitcher, and although he was hit by a tripartite retreat once, he was hit by a solo home run by the first batter in the second inning, and two more hits scored two points. Was preempted.

In the 3rd and 4th innings, he held down without a runner, and after hitting a two-base hit in the 5th inning, he walked a walk and was replaced when he was 2 out, 1st base and 3rd base.

Pitcher Arihara threw four innings and two-thirds of the innings, hitting four hits, striking out three, and walking two runs.

There is no win or loss against pitcher Arihara, and he remains 2 wins and 3 losses.

The Rangers have won 8-5 and won 4 straight games.