Major League Baseball Red Sox pitcher Hirokazu Sawamura pitched a relief pitch in the Twins game on the 25th and threw a third inning to score no goals.

Pitcher Sawamura pitched with the third person from the middle of the seventh inning against the Twins in his hometown of Boston.

He was hit by a two-base hit by the first batter, and was in a pinch of runners' first and second bases with a walk away from the declaration, but he beat the following and scored a third inning with no runs and did not win or lose.

The Red Sox lost 6-9 after a tiebreaker in the 10th inning.

Yoshitomo Tsutsugo 2 at bats no hit foreball 1

Pirates Yoshitomo Tsutsugo started in 4th and first in the Diamondbacks match in Pittsburgh on the 25th.

The first at bat in the second inning was the first ground ball, and the second at bat in the fourth inning was the walk.

The third at-bat in the 5th inning was a chance to bases loaded two outs, but he fell to the left fly and then retired without being able to defend.

This game was a no-hitter with two at bats and one walk.

The Pirates lost 2-5.