Before the opening of the Tokyo Paralympic Games, a welcome party for IPC = International Paralympic Committee Chairman Parsons and directors was held on the night of the 23rd, with about 40 people including Prime Minister Suga and Chairman Hashimoto of the Organizing Committee attending hotels in Tokyo. It was opened in.

At the welcome party hosted by the Organizing Committee from 6:30 pm on the 23rd, in addition to IPC Chairman Parsons and directors, Prime Minister Suga from the Japanese side, Governor Koike of Tokyo, and Chairman Hashimoto of the Organizing Committee, etc. About 40 people attended.

According to the Organizing Committee, the welcome party was a welcoming cultural event that took place for about an hour.

In addition, food and alcoholic beverages were not provided due to the ongoing spread of the new coronavirus infection.

At the welcome party held last month before the Tokyo Olympics, such as Bach, chairman of the IOC = International Olympic Committee, it was noisy as people who opposed the Olympics gathered around the venue to protest. No protests or confusion was seen around the venue on the day.