Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels started the game against the Tigers and hit a hit for the first time in two games to decide the stolen base.

On the 17th, Otani started as the first designated hitter in the match against the Tigers in his opponent's hometown of Detroit.

He hit No. 1 for eight games in a row, catching the fastball of the first ball in one at bat and carrying it to the center with a sharp pitcher's return, hitting the hit for the first time in two games.

After that, he decided to steal the 18th base this season to the second base and stepped on the first home with a timely hit.

The second at bat in the second inning was a walk, and I tried to steal to second base again, but this was out.

The third at-bat in the 4th inning was the first grounder, and the 4th at-bat, which was tied in the 6th inning with 2 outs and 2nd base, was able to avoid the game and was a walk away from the declaration.

In the 8th inning, the 5th at-bat missed a fastball in the latter half of the 150km range and struck out.

Otani had 1 hit in 3 at bats, 1 stolen base, and 3 walks, with a batting average of 20%, 6 minutes, and 9 minutes.

The Angels won 8-2.