The star in orienteering, Tove Alexandersson, previously tested positive for covid-19 in July.

On Thursday, she did her first competition after being affected by the virus.

Then it became a third place in the long distance.

And in the middle distance yesterday she landed a fifth place.

Investments that, by Alexandersson standards, are far below what we are used to.

Now she announces the reason.

“I thought I had recovered from covid and was ready to compete again.

The first 60 on the long distance were okay, the last 30 I was just empty, "she writes on her Instagram.

"After that, the body just wants to sleep, trying to compete yesterday was not fun.

It's time to take a break, recover and not stress about being ready again ”

"Not weird"

Federation captain Håkan Carlsson believes that the terrain has been challenging during the competitions in Idre.

Alexandersson has felt that the competitions have worn out more than usual.

- Which is not strange since she was recently ill in covid-19, says Håkan Carlsson, national team captain.

The text is updated.