In the Tokyo Olympics and softball finals, Japan defeated the United States 2-0 and won the gold medal for the first time since the Beijing Games 13 years ago.

In the final against the biggest rival, the United States, Reika Utsugi's goal of building a team of throwing teams led to a gold medal over 13 years.

Since it was decided that softball will be revived at the Olympics five years ago, the commander has been teaching fielders on the theme of "long hitting power".

In this tournament, Japan hit 6 home runs, which is the largest number of participating teams.

Even in the final, he was not defeated by the fastball of the powerful American pitchers.

There was a scene where even a batter who hit 8 hits, which is more than double the opponent's, made a full swing and flew deep into the outfield.

Speaking of Japan, there was an image of aiming for a score by involving small tricks such as bunt, stolen base, and advance hitting, but the long hitting power added to the attack.

In the 5th inning, the dual wield player Yamato Fujita hit the ball from ace and Monica Abbott in a timely manner before the light, which was a so-called single hit. The manager said, "What I have been preparing for five years is to gain power. That point was clearly shown in today's game," he said in response to the team building.

In addition, the pitchers were trying to create a new ace because they were not too dependent on the 39-year-old ace Yukiko Ueno.

For this reason, 20-year-old pitcher Miu Goto, who was a big success in this tournament, left the 6th inning. Thinking about the next-generation softball world, instead of entrusting everything to the current ace, we let the youngest member of the team experience the final stage.

Director Utsugi said, "I want to build a team so that young players can win gold medals so that they can revive again."