Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels started in the Rockies game with the second pitcher, hit the first timely hit and pitched well with one goal in seven innings, and scored his fifth win in the Major League Baseball. ..

On the 26th, Otani started in the second pitcher against the Rockies in Anaheim, California.

Simultaneous participation in throwing is the 12th game of this season.

Otani put out a runner from the first and second outs of the start, but held it down with no runs, and on the other side, hit the first timely hit in front of the light at the first turn at bat with no out second base.

Otani also scored the 14th stolen base this season, stepped on the second home in a timely manner, and threw it to keep the Rockies hitting up to four times without any runs.

In the 5th inning, the 9th batter hit a solo home run and lost 1 point, but in the 6th and 7th innings, 3 people held down and got off the mound while keeping the lead of 1 point.

In this game, Otani threw 99 balls and hit 5 hits, 1 dead ball, and 5 strikeouts.

As a batter, after hitting the first timely in the first inning, the second at bat in the third inning was a strikeout, the third at bat in the fifth inning was a second goro, and the fourth at bat in the seventh inning was a strikeout in four at bats, one hit and one RBI. It was one stolen base.

In the match, the Angels won 6-2 and Otani became the winning pitcher, and in the 4th year of the Major League Baseball, he scored his 5th win, which was his most, and was 5 wins and 1 loss.