The Grand Sumo Tournament Nagoya place will be the final game from the 11th and 14th.

Yokozuna Hakuho and Ozeki Terunofuji, who take the rope, both won and defended the overall victory.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ In Daiamami, Juryo Shohozan was won by Daiamami. Shohozan has been decided to lose.

▽ Tochinoshin Tokushoryu is a poor thrower of Tochinoshin. Tokushoryu is losing.

▽ In Kaisei, Kensho is close to Kensho.

▽ Terutsuyoshi throws a small hand at Ishiura.

▽ Ichiyamamoto to Tamawashi, Tamawashi won by pushing out and decided to win for the first time in 4 places.

▽ Shimanoumi is pushed out by Kotonowaka. Kotonowaka retreated to 3 losses.

▽ The country of Chiyo sticks out in Hidenoumi.

▽ Chiyoshoma is scooped by Chiyoshoma.

▽ Myogiryu and Chiyono are misplaced by the Gyoji army, and Chiyono is chubby.

▽ Ura scoops up Kiribayama.

▽ Abu Saki pushes out Chiyomaru to Abu Saki.

▽ Takarafuji is close to the sea of ​​Okinoumi.

▽ Hokutofuji Daiki Aoiyama is pushed out by Hokutofuji.

▽ In Takanosho's victory, Ichinojo won by pushing out and decided to win two places in a row.

▽ Daieishō is pushed out by Chiyotairyu.

▽ Kotoeko Mitsuru Shinkoyui Akio is close to Akio.

▽ Sekiwake Takayasu is struck by Takayasu. Shosaru is losing.

▽ Terunofuji Ozeki Sekiwake Mitakeumi has extended his winning streak from the first day to 11 with Terunofuji, who is trying to promote Yokozuna, wins in a close-knit manner.

▽ In Masayo Ozeki, Hoshoryu decided to win by leaning over and winning.

▽ Yokozuna Hakuho Shinkoyui Wakatakakage has 11 consecutive victories, with Hakuho leaning over and winning. Wakatakakage is losing.

At the Grand Sumo Tournament Nagoya place, Hakuho and Terunofuji won all the games after the 11th day, and with 3 losses, Ichinojo Takashi, Hoshoryu, Tamawashi, and Kotonowaka will follow.