
Toronto pitcher Hyunjin Ryu won his sixth win of the season after his fourth challenge. When the changeup, the main weapon, shook, it showed off its power by throwing a high-speed ball with a maximum speed of 151 km/h.

Byung-min Yoo.


Ryu Hyun-jin gave Mancini a preemptive solo shot as the 1st changeup was pushed to the center.

The changeup, which has been silent for a while, has been shaking again this month, so I boldly changed the pattern.

He threw more than 40% of his fastball, which was only 32% this season, and threw the Baltimore line into chaos.

The 6th rematch with Mancini was the highlight.

After refusing the catcher's autograph at the full count, he threw a high-speed ball at 93.6 mph and 151 km/h, which was the best of the season, and caught it with a floating ball in center field.

It is the first time in two years since 2019, the best season ever, that Ryu Hyun-jin's fastball speed exceeded 150 km.

Ryu Hyun-jin, who gave up only 3 hits up to the 7th inning and played with 4 strikeouts and 1 run, achieved 6 wins in the season after the 4th challenge.

Hyunjin Ryu expressed his concerns about the changeup rather than his satisfaction with the fast ball.

[Hyunjin Ryu/Pitcher Toronto: I threw a changeup in the bullpen 4 days ago, but I don't think it's perfect yet. I think I need to catch him quickly. Whatever number you use.]


St. Louis pitcher Kwang-hyun Kim pitched 4 innings and 1 run in the match against Atlanta, but was replaced 5 times early and failed to win 2 of the season.

(Video editing: Lee Jung-taek)