Every day, Anicet Mbida makes us discover an innovation that could well change the way we consume.

This Friday, he is interested in some good diet news.

Incredo sugar, created by the Israelis of DouxMatok, has a reduced sugar content of 40%.

The innovation of the day concerns dietetics.

You have found the first real fake sugar.

It is not a sweetener, but real cane sugar.

Except that it has a reduced sugar content of 40%.

It is real cane sugar, but restructured so that we need to use much less.

To understand, we must remember that the sweet receptors that we have on the tongue are rather lazy.

Suddenly, to feel a sweet taste, you have to put a lot of it.

Take a glass of water, for example.

It takes a good teaspoon for the water to be sweet.

However, all this excess sugar will end up stored in the fat of the bulges.

Hence the idea of ​​restructuring the main component of sugar (sucrose), to make it bigger, wider so that it covers more taste buds on the tongue.

We therefore need to put in much less to get the same flavor.

In addition, we retain the energy power of sugar unlike sweeteners, such as Stevia or aspartame and their funny aftertaste.

And has it been proven, tested?

Several independent firms and on blind taste tests.

Depending on the recipe, we can reduce the added sugar content by 30 to 50%, without compromising on taste.

But taste remains the sinews of war.

It is no coincidence that we shun low-fat products.

It is called Incredo sugar.

It was created by the Israelis of DouxMatok.

Is it already on the market?

Are there products that use it?

It's just getting started.

For now, there is only a spread and cookies.

Obviously, with an all green Nutriscore.

This is a technique that could still improve and reduce rates by up to 80 or 90%. In addition, it is not limited to sugar. We are also working on salt, to keep the taste without the harmful effects on health. This could help us exercise moderation without actually dieting.