Major League Baseball pitcher Yu Darvish started the game against the Rockies, but in the 6th inning, he got a tie home run and got off the mound, hitting a grab on the bench and showing his regret.

Darvish started on the 15th in the match against the Rockies in Denver, Colorado, on the 15th.

On this day, pitcher Yu Darvish couldn't get a good swing and the number of balls increased, so he put out a runner every time in the early stages, but he managed to beat the cut ball without any runs.

In the second inning, he entered the turn at bat with 1 out and 3rd base, hit a timely hit to carry a cut ball with a low outside angle to the light line, and scored a fourth point with his own bat.

However, in the 4th inning, he was hit by 3 consecutive hits from the beginning and lost 2 points. I hit the grab on the bench to show my regret.

Darvish scored four goals in the middle of the sixth inning, hitting six hits, walking two walks, and striking out five, with no wins or losses.

In batting, he marked the first RBI of the season with 1 RBI and 1 RBI, and received a dead ball on his left arm in the 5th at bat.

The Padres were defeated 4-8, losing 2 points each in the 7th and 8th innings.