Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels played the second pitcher at the same time in the Mariners game on the 4th, and as a starting pitcher, he threw 6 times and took 10 strikeouts with double digits, and 2 runs. I won my second win this season.

Otani started on the 4th with the second pitcher in the Mariners game in Anaheim, California.

As a pitcher, Otani has been a pitcher with 1 win and 1 loss so far, and this is his fifth time since 19th last month.

Otani, who pitched on the 6th of the middle, was caught by the first batter in the second fastball and suddenly scored a goal in the first home run. Even so, the following batter did not allow additional points by striking out three consecutive strikeouts with a sharp changing ball.

In the 3rd inning, he lost the 2nd point with a sacrifice fly from 1st out 3rd base, but Otani struck out effectively using fastballs and changing balls in the 150km range, leading 6 times to 3-2. By then, he had stolen 10 strikeouts with 10 double digits for the second time this season.

Otani had four hits with 76 balls thrown by the sixth inning, and for the first time in the fourth year of the major league, he scored two goals without giving one, and was replaced with the right of a winning pitcher on the bench. It went down to.

In the match, the Angels won 3-2, and Otani won his second win of the season, the winning star since April 26th.

On the other hand, as a batter, he was hit by a short grounder double play in the first at bat on the first base with no outs, the second at bat in the third inning was a walk, and the third at bat in the fifth inning was a short grounder with no hits in two at bats. did.

Otani's batting average dropped to 20%, 5 minutes and 5 minutes.

In the same match on the 5th, the Mariners starting pitcher Yusei Kikuchi is scheduled, and attention will be focused on the direct confrontation with Otani.