Every day, Anicet Mbida makes us discover an innovation that could well change the way we consume.

This Monday, he is interested in a new technology that could save many lives.

A robotic paramedic that performs heart massages begins to be used by firefighters and paramedics.

Today's innovation could save more heart attack victims.

These are robots capable of performing the famous chest massage on their own.

In France, 50,000 people die each year from cardiac arrest, twenty times more than road deaths.

This is why we are starting to install defibrillators everywhere, in stores, businesses, public places… because every minute counts.

Next to these defibrillators, we could soon see robots appear that will automatically perform a perfect heart massage.

It's intense and physical, you have to press hard, in rhythm.

You end up getting tired.

Suddenly, little by little, the massage becomes less effective.

This will decrease his chances of survival without sequelae.

While with a robot, we can guarantee the regularity, intensity and quality of the massage, until help arrives.

What does this robot look like?

Do you have to install it?

Yes, a bit like a defibrillator.

We place a board under the victim.

A hoop is attached to it which passes over his chest.

There, a kind of suction cup will descend to perform the massage with the right pressure and the right pace.

Several devices are coming onto the market.

They are starting to be used by firefighters and paramedics.

This allows them to free up their hands, and not have to interrupt the cardiac massage when they move a person on the stairs, in the helicopter or in the ambulance.

The goal is now to install them in public places.

But beware: this does not dispense with first aid.

You still have to put the person to safety and do a first manual cardiac massage ... At least the time to install the robot.