On the 11th day of the Sumo Summer Basho, there was a foul that Terunofuji Ozeki grabbed and pulled Myogiryu's mage.

Myogiryu wins and Terunofuji is now the first black star in the place.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ Chiyomaru is close to Enho Akira in Juryo.

▽ Kotonowaka is good at throwing Kaisei.

▽ The sea of ​​Okinoumi was overtaken by Tamawashi by the withdrawal of the sea of ​​Okinoumi.

▽ Kagayaki leans over Chiyoshoma.

▽ Shimanoumi pushes Ishiura into Shimanoumi.

▽ Endo defended 2 losses by pushing out to Chiyo Tairyu.

▽ Kensho overthrows the sky sea with Kensho.

▽ Takarafuji scoops up Takarafuji to Daiamami.

▽ Ichinojo is pushed out by Kotoeko.

▽ Terutsuyoshi is good at throwing at Hidenoumi.

▽ Mt. Kiriba throws Tochinoshin well at Mt. Kiriba.

▽ Shosaru is withdrawn from Aoiyama.

▽ Wakatakakage sticks out from Toyoshoryu.

▽ Koyui to Akio Akio is close to Daieishō.

▽ Koyui Hokutofuji won the Mitakeumi with a close-knit victory.

▽ Sekiwake Takayasu Ozeki Takakeisho won by sending out and defended 2 losses.

▽ Ozeki Asanoyama Sekiwake Takanosho was scooped up by Asanoyama.

▽ Myogiryu Ozeki Terunofuji had a foul in which Terunofuji grabbed the mage and pulled it, and Myogiryu won.

Terunofuji is now the first black star in the place.

▽ Abu Saki won by Masayo Ozeki by pushing out.