Major League Baseball Twins pitcher Kenta Maeda started the game against the Indians on the 27th, but lost the pitcher with 5 goals in the middle of the 6th inning.

On the 27th, pitcher Maeda started the game against the Indians in Cleveland, Ohio on the 27th, and got a two-point lead to go up to one mound.

However, the control was loose, such as the changing ball floating higher, and when he lost one point in a home run from the second out, he was caught up in the home run by the lead batter twice, aiming for the first ball.

In the following 3rd inning, in the scene of 2 outs and 2nd base, a teammate dropped a fly to the left line while hitting the grab and became a two-base hit, winning 1 point.

After that, the score was tied again, but pitcher Maeda got off the mound when he was hit by the next batter with a two-base after being hit by a home run, which was the third run of the day, from 2 outs in the 6th inning. ..

Pitcher Maeda threw halfway through the sixth inning and scored five goals as the runner returned after being hit by a substitute pitcher.

The number of balls was 75, 8 hits were hit, 3 strikeouts were taken, and there was no walk.

The Twins lost 4 to 7 and lost 4 consecutive games, losing to pitcher Maeda, and this season's total record was 1 win and 2 losses.