Every morning, Anicet Mbida gives us the very best in terms of innovation.

Today, he talks about electro-fuel, an alternative to diesel and kerosene whose production in volume should begin next year.

Today's innovation is a new type of fuel that aims to reduce CO2 emissions.

It is not biofuel but electro-fuel.

What is the difference ?

“First of all, both are more virtuous to produce. And they can replace gasoline, diesel and kerosene (you can put it directly in current engines). The difference? is made from plants. Electro-fuel is designed from green hydrogen and above all from CO2 recovered from the air. It will therefore eliminate emissions from factories since it is in their fumes that it will seek its raw material, and it will not compete with agriculture. 

Does this mean that it still releases CO2 into the atmosphere?

That is true.

But this is recycled CO2 which should already have been rejected by an industrialist.

This is obviously not ideal.

But in many sectors, there is no other way to achieve carbon neutrality.

Take air transport or cargo by ship: today there is no viable alternative to fuel oil or kerosene.

We are talking about electric boats or hydrogen planes, but these are extremely distant projects.

It should also be remembered that a tanker or an aircraft remains in service for easily 30 years.

Either way, the transition will take a very long time.

This is why we need intermediate solutions like electro-fuel.

It must be much more expensive than fuel oil or kerosene ...

Twice more ! This is the main problem. But it will benefit from subsidies and be used to offset carbon. Again, in some areas there is no alternative. Volume production is expected to start next year. So we should hear about it again. "