Just days after Luleå secured the Swedish Championship gold in the final series against Brynäs, it was established that several players in Luleå tested positive for the corona virus.

In the same week, there were several test results that pointed to widespread infection in the squad.

One of the players who became infected was back star Ronja Savolainen.

Even though it was several weeks since she fell ill, she still feels the disease.

- I get a very high heart rate very easily when I train.

If I talk when we are out walking, I also get out of breath right away.

The heart rate is 90 and you are out of breath, which is completely unreasonable.

It feels as if the lungs are shrinking and that you are not getting any air, she tells NSD.

She also says that she sleeps a lot.

- I'm still very tired.

I can go to bed and sleep at 22:00 and sleep until 11:00 the next day and I usually can not do otherwise.

The 23-year-old Finnish woman, however, feels that it is getting better and better with each passing day.

But she still feels worried about the future.

- There is nothing that says how you will be affected in the future.