Yoshitomo Tsutsugo of the Major League Baseball Rays started in the Rangers game, and made no hits with 4 at bats and made 3 strikeouts.

Tsutsugo started in the first two games against the Rangers in his hometown of Florida on the 12th.

The first turn at bat was a strikeout, and the second turn at bat was a center fly.

The third at bat in the 5th inning was greeted by a one-out runner on the first base, but he fell into a missed strikeout, and the fourth at bat in the 7th inning was a missed strikeout.

Tsutsugo, who participated until the end, had no hits in 4 at bats and 3 strikeouts in this game, with a batting average of 10%, 6 minutes and 1 liter.

The match was won by Raise 1-0.