Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels marked three hits in one game for the first time this season in the Royals game on the 12th.

On the 12th, Otani started in the match against the Royals in Kansas City, the home of his opponent, as the second designated hitter.

Otani made a hit in front of the left in the first turn at bat, matching well with a changing ball with a low internal angle.

After that, the opponent's pitcher's control ball made a first base touchout, and I could not expand my chances.

In the 3rd inning with a 2-point lead, the second at-bat was reached with no-out first base and third base, and it was a double play of the second goro, but in the meantime, the third base runner returned to the home and added points.

In the 3rd at bat of the 5th inning, the opponent's short hit the ground ball in the scene of 2 outs, 2nd base and 3rd base, and the opponent got out on base with an error, which also led to a goal.

In the 7th inning at bat, which was close to 4 to 3 by 1 point, he caught a fastball with a chance of 2 outs, 2nd and 3rd bases, hit a timely two-base hit over Wright's head, and widened the lead by returning two runners. I did.

In the 9th inning, in the 5th at-bat on the first base with no outs, he caught the changing ball and carried it to the left, making it the second timely two-base hit of the day and scoring two at-bats in a row.

Otani scored three hits in one game for the first time this season with three hits and three RBIs in five at bats, and his batting average rose to 30%, 3 minutes and 3 RBIs.

The match was won by Angels 10-3.