Pitcher Hirokazu Sawamura of the Major League Baseball Red Sox pitched in relief against the Orioles and kept the first and one-third innings to zero.

On the 11th, pitcher Sawamura pitched without a two-out runner after the second pitcher hit a three-run home run in the 7th inning against the Orioles in Baltimore, where he was based. I hit the number batter on the third fly.

The team went up to the mound eight times, adding four points, and gave a walk after the third fly and center fly, but hit the next batter on the third fly.

At this time, I got off the mound and threw one and one-third innings to make no hits, one walk, and no runs.

I won and lost, and I didn't save, but in all four games I pitched, I have no goals.

The Red Sox won the match 14-9, making it the sixth straight win.