Anders Feltenmark worked in the Swedish Ice Hockey Association for 24 years before he was fired and had to hand over the day a year ago.

In connection with that, he signed a confidentiality agreement - a signature he regrets today.

He says, among other things, that the employer took advantage of the fact that he was not in the full use of his mind when the agreement, shortly after he was fired, was to be signed.

"The Union is not an ignorant party"

The Swedish Ice Hockey Association's lawyer Mats Larsson was not present during the hearing and therefore does not know if any time issues were discussed.

- It has been a negotiation where they came to this and where the Union had the view that this was a good solution for Feltenmark, says Mats Larsson to SVT Sport.

He believes that the Union should have asked for more time in the negotiations if the situation was perceived as time-consuming.

- If you thought it was time pressure, the Union would have gone back and stated that, I guess, says Larsson.

- The Union, which is not an ignorant party to this type of issue but is a strong negotiator.

If he had questions about the agreement, it is something he should raise with the Union.

Stands on the reason for the dismissal

According to the ice hockey association, Feltenmark was fired due to "gross disloyalty".

This after he sent an email that violated the GDPR Act.

Feltenmark, who sees his union work and a police report of an employee at the office for sexual harassment as the real reason for his dismissal, does not share that image.

- No, that was not the reason.

It is not that he has been active there, but one thing is this email that was written and then the internal handling of what happened.

Why do you think Feltenmark experiences it this way?

- I can not answer that.

I mean he has that picture.

Maybe that's a way to handle it.

But that is not the reason or was the reason.