Every day, Anicet Mbida makes us discover an innovation that could well change the way we consume.

This Wednesday, he is interested in a technology developed by scientists at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.

This is a brand new heating system that allows you to recover energy from the sun during the day and return it in the evening or in winter to heat the house.

The innovation of the day is a brand new heating system.

We recover the sun's energy during the day and restore it in the evening or in winter to heat the house.

It is both extremely simple and very inexpensive.

There are no photovoltaic panels, no batteries, no electricity… Everything is based solely on a pipe in which a liquid is circulated.

A somewhat special liquid all the same, since it is able to store energy when it is exposed to the sun.

We put transparent pipes on the roof.

This liquid is circulated there to expose it to ultraviolet rays and charge it with energy.

Then we send it to tanks for storage (it can stay like that, charged, for months).

Finally, when there is a need for heating, the liquid is returned to the radiators or the water heater by passing it through a catalyst.

This will trigger a chemical reaction and produce heat.

Everything works in a closed cycle.

The liquid can therefore be reused and produce heat as many times as desired, without electricity and without CO2 emissions.

And does it produce enough heat to heat a house?

Yes, his temperature will increase by 63 °.

If it is stored at room temperature (20 °), there will be hot water at more than 90 °.

More than enough to heat a house.

The technology was developed by scientists at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.

It could help develop more environmentally friendly heating systems by storing solar energy in liquid form.

When are the first boilers planned?

In principle next year.

Everything should go pretty quickly now that the team has received more than four million euros in funding from the European community.