On the 10th day of the Sumo Spring Basho, Koyasu and Takayasu, who were the sole leaders, beat Ozeki and Takakeishō and defended one loss.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ Ishiura won the Juryo Ishiura by withdrawal from Toyoyama.

▽ Daiamami's terutsuyoshi is decided by Daiamami.

▽ Kotoeko is pushed out by Aoiyama.

▽ Hidenoumi pushes down Midorifuji to Hidenoumi.

▽ Kensho throws a small hand at Ryuden.

▽ Hoshoryu is thrown by Kaisei.

▽ Tobizaru Masaya Chiyoshoma has a small thigh scoop.

▽ Akiseyama throws Tochinoshin to Akiseyama.

▽ Chiyotairyu is struck by Chiyotairyu.

▽ Kotonowaka is struck by Ichinojo.

▽ In the sea of ​​Okinoumi, Chiyo no Kuni won by pushing down the sea of ​​Okinoumi.

▽ Mt. Kiriba hangs on Tamawashi.

▽ Endo was closed from the 23rd due to an injury to his left foot, and Meisei was a bye.

▽ Takarafuji is leaning against Wakatakakage.

▽ Daieishō is pushed out by Hokutofuji.

▽ Abusaki is close to Mitakeumi.

Abu Saki was 2 wins and 8 losses, and it was decided to lose.

▽ Terunofuji to Shimanoumi Shimanoumi won by pushing down.

Terunofuji retreated to 3 losses.

▽ Ozeki and Takakeisho, who are the corner numbers of Takayasu, won by Takayasu with a good throw and defended 1 loss.

Terunofuji and others who were chasing after 2 losses lost and retreated to 3 losses, and the difference between the stars became two.

▽ Asanoyama scoops up Takanosho's victory over Ozeki and Asanoyama.

▽ Ozeki and Masayo won Myogiryu with a shoulder-opening.

At the Sumo Spring Basho, Takayasu lost only 1 person after the 10th day, and the difference between the stars was 2 and 3 losses. Is the development that follows.