Takayasu Koyasu, who has continued to win consecutive victories from the 9th and 2nd days of Sumo Spring Basho, defeated the influential person Abu Saki with a slam and decided to win 8 consecutive victories.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ Hidenoumi won the Juryo Daishomaru with a close-knit victory.

▽ Kensho is struck by Kotoeko.

▽ Terutsuyoshi Chiyoshoma is the sixth win, with Terutsuyoshi winning over his shoulder.

▽ Aoiyama is close to Akiseyama.

▽ Toyoyama sticks out from Chiyotairyu.

▽ Midorifuji has a big twist on Daiamami.

▽ Kaisei Ichirō is withdrawn by Kaisei.

▽ Tochinoshin Ryuden won by Ryuden.

▽ Hoshoryu to Ichinojo, Toyoshoryu throws poorly.

▽ In Tamawashi and Chiyo no Kuni, Chiyo no Kuni wins withdrawal and is the seventh win.

▽ Shosaru to Okinoumi Ayumi is withdrawn by Shosaru.

▽ Endo is close to Kotonowaka.

▽ Wakatakakage sticks out in Meisei.

▽ Hokutofuji is sent to Takarafuji by Hokutofuji. Takarafuji lost.

▽ Abu Saki won in Takayasu, and Takayasu won by slamming. Takayasu is the first player to win in Makuuchi with eight consecutive victories from the second day.

▽ Takanosho's victory over Kiribayama is pushed out by Takanosho.

▽ Myogiryu to Terunofuji is the 7th win for Terunofuji to win.

▽ Ozeki Asanoyama in Shimanoumi, Asanoyama is close.

▽ Daieishō was pushed out by Masayo Ozeki. Masayo continues to have a difficult ring with 4 wins and 5 losses.

▽ Kakuban Ozeki Takakeishō won the Mitakeumi by pushing out.