There is a bad mood between the clubs after Edsbyn reported Alan Dzhusoev for an alleged spit fire in the face of Joakim Svensk on Tuesday.

Edsbyn also wrote on its website that "confidence in AIK is exhausted" after they joined too many people in violation of the corona rules for the last match in Hälsingland.

Already in the third minute, Erik Pettersson bombed in a corner for 1-0 behind Edsbyn's reserve goalkeeper Henrik Karlström (Anders Svensson injured himself in Tuesday's match) and then some printers of a hockey tackling character were handed out before Johan Esplund released 2-0.

Then it was as if the air went out of Edsbyn and there was only one team on the field, AIK, who, however, slumbered in the final stage where Edsbyn was decent to the numbers.

Just like on Tuesday, Edsbyn jumped at the end when the team went from 7-0 to 7-3.