The Sumo Spring Basho was closed on the 3rd day, and Yokozuna Hakuho was closed from the 16th due to an injury to his right knee.

In the future, he intends to perform surgery and move forward and backward to the place in July.

Terunofuji, who is aiming to return to Ozeki, has won three consecutive victories since the first day, winning Daieishō, who won the first place.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ Hidenoumi won the ten Ishiura with a good twist.

▽ Daiamami is pushed down by Daiamami in Toyoyama.

▽ Kaisei Ichirō is a swordsman.

▽ Terutsuyoshi Kotoeko is pushed out by Terutsuyoshi.

▽ Chiyoshoma and Aoiyama are scooped by Chiyoshoma.

▽ Chiyo Tairyu was defeated by Akiseyama, who was pushed down by Chiyo Tairyu.

▽ Kotoshoho Ryuden will be closed from the 16th due to an injury to his right ankle, and Ryuden will be a bye.

▽ Midorifuji in Chiyo no Kuni, Chiyo no Kuni leans over.

▽ Shosaru sticks out to Hoshoryu.

▽ Tochinoshin Kotonowaka is pushed out by Tochinoshin.

▽ Ichinojo Takashi is the third straight victory, with Ichinojo winning by scooping.

▽ Tamawashi sticks out to Endo.

▽ Myogiryu wins three consecutive victories in the sea of ​​Okinoumi with Myogiryu taking the lead.

▽ Akio leans over Kiribayama.

▽ In Takayasu, Shimanoumi won by Takayasu pushing out.

▽ Takanosho's victory over Mitakeumi is pushed out by Takanosho.

▽ Terunofuji won by Daieishō, with Terunofuji leaning over.

Terunofuji has won three consecutive victories.

▽ Hokutofuji Ozeki Asanoyama is pushed down by Asanoyama.

▽ For Masayo Ozeki, Takarafuji is close to Masayo.

▽ Kakuban Ozeki Takakeishō was won by Wakatakakage.

Takakeishō is the first black star.

▽ Yokozuna Hakuho and Abusaki are a bye of Abusaki, as Hakuho will be closed from the 16th due to an injury to his right knee.

Hakuho was closed for the 19th time in a row for 5 places, and his master, Miyagino, said, "He is saying,'I'll put everything in the next place in July.'" Hakuho went to the place in July. He made clear his intention to move forward and backward.