Alexander Kumptner is probably the fittest TV chef in German-speaking countries.

The 36-year-old Austrian does not at all correspond to the cliché of the plump restaurateur.

Kumptner, one of the four chefs of the Sat1 hit show “The Taste” in 2020, is a passionate hobby athlete and lives according to a clear nutritional concept.

With great success.


your opinion, what are the biggest nutritional mistakes?

Kumptner: A

lot of people often tell me that they don't know why they just don't lose weight despite their best efforts. When I then ask what they eat, it would say, for example: “I only drink three green smoothies a day.” But what do these smoothies contain? Then there are three apples, an avocado and a banana inside. So a lot of calories. You think you are losing weight. But your body thinks you ate two bars of chocolate. Your body doesn't see what you are eating. He only sees the calories. In addition, many mistakes are made at breakfast.