Kohei Arihara, a pitcher of the Major League Baseball Rangers, pitched for the first time in the open game against the White Sox on the 2nd, and was hit by 5 hits including a home run and scored 3 goals.

Rangers pitcher Kohei Arihara, who will challenge the major leagues from this season, started the open game against the White Sox in Arizona on the 2nd.

Pitcher Arihara had a dead ball and a hit in the first base and a second base pinch, and the 4th batter carried a fastball in the middle to make a 3-run home run.

In this open game, if the number of balls exceeds 20 in one inning, if the defensive team applies, there is a special rule that can end that time, and pitcher Arihara will be the 6th batter after this. At the end of the turn at bat, the number of balls reached 26, so I finished this round with 2 outs.

Pitcher Arihara allowed three hits in the next two times and invited a pinch of bases loaded with two bases loaded, but again, the Rangers applied to finish this time with two outs.

Pitcher Arihara threw two innings on record, five hits including a home run, one walk, one dead ball, and three runs, with two strikeouts.

Pitcher Arihara, who finished his first pitch in the open game, said, "I was excited to start today, but it was a disappointing pitch. I thought I had to throw it more carefully."

On top of that, "Major league batters have power and swings fast. I was able to take a foul when the straight was at a good height, but the sweet ball was repelled firmly, so I want to improve the accuracy of control. I vowed to make a comeback in the future.