Takumi Kuriyama, a veteran of professional baseball and Seibu, has released the state of his own training, and about this season when he has 74 hits remaining until 2000 hits in total, "I want to hit as many hits as possible in the turn at bat in front of me. I want to get closer to 2000 books. "

The oldest fielder in the team, 37-year-old Kuriyama, played 111 games last season in the 19th year, with a batting average of 20%, 7 minutes and 2 minutes, and a home run with 12 hits, which is the highest number of his own. He was the first batter to be selected as the best nine.

On the 21st, Kuriyama revealed the state of voluntary training at a baseball team facility in Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture, and after warming up and playing catch, he was energetically hitting the ball of the pitching machine.

Kuriyama said, "First of all, I'm building my body for the camp in on February 1. When it comes to hitting, I'm always thinking about how to hit a strong and fast ball."

In addition, I practiced this off for 6 days and continued practicing on the schedule of 1 day off, "I'm honestly tough, but I come to the stadium and practice even when I want to take a rest. I do not know if it will be effective, but I will challenge I'm doing it. "

And about this season, which is the first player to hit 2000 hits in total with 74 hits remaining, "I want to hit as many hits as possible at the turn at bat in front of me. I want to get closer to 2000 hits by accumulating them. "I showed enthusiasm.