Terusora Matsushima, a first-year junior high school student who aimed to win the youngest men's singles in the junior division of the All Japan Table Tennis Championships held in Osaka, lost to a high school student in the quarterfinals and lost in the final eight. Did.

On the 14th of the 4th day of the tournament, the all-Japan championship of table tennis, which is held without spectators, was held in the quarterfinals of the men's singles in the junior division, which competes for second-year high school students and younger.

Last year, Matsushima, a 13-year-old first-year junior high school student who won second place, played against a second-year high school player, took two games first, and had one more game to win.

However, after that, he couldn't cope with the powerful shots of the opponent player's course, so he dropped two games in a row and lost in the game count of 2 to 3 and lost in the best 8.

Matsushima said with a regrettable expression, "I played everything I could do with a player who was superior to me, but the opponent was strong. I thought that my level was still insufficient."

After this, Matsushima also participated in the men's singles of the general club, and won the second round of the first round with a straight with a game count of 3-0, but lost straight to a second-year high school player in the third round.