Candidate Jong-geol Lee No. 1, who ran for the 41st Korea Athletics President election held on the 18th, has been controversial as it is revealed that they conducted a public opinion poll during the campaign.

When looking at the contents of the telephone poll conducted by Candidate Jong-Gol Lee, first, he asked the electoral team with the right to vote, "Which of the following candidates do you think is most suitable for the president of the Korea Sports Complex?", and then named the four candidates in order of preference.

They then asked where the elector lived and the age group.

In response, an official from Candidate Jong-geol Lee said, "It is correct that the poll was conducted on the phone on the 10th, but after reporting it to the NEC, the relevant phrase was reviewed and the rules set by the NEC were followed. In addition, after deleting the name, only the telephone number was sent to the investigating agency. Because I gave it, it doesn’t matter.”

However, the perspective of the Korea Sports Association's Election Steering Committee is different.

It is believed that it is illegal to provide the contact information of the electoral group to the polling agency for public opinion polls during the campaign.

An official from the Election Commission said, "There is no explicit provision that no polls should be conducted during the election period, but when passing the name and contact information of the electoral group to a candidate, a pledge that no third party should be provided. Personal information of the electoral group has been written. It should be used for athletic purposes only, and only candidates and registered campaigners should know.”

According to the official, it is illegal for each candidate to hand over the contact information of the electoral group to a third party polling agency.

Candidate Shin-wook Kang No. 4, who is known to have conducted another public opinion poll, said, "It was not a poll, but candidate Kang Shin-wook did a kind of survey to the electoral group by text rather than phone. It was not requested by a third party, but by our activist. "It doesn't matter because of what I did."

The election committee of the Korean Sports Association requested the Gyeonggi-do Election Commission, which is in charge of the election, to determine whether or not it is illegal in connection with the polling of candidates who have run for this election.

(Photo = Courtesy of Korea Sports Association, Yonhap News)