In response to the declaration of emergency, the JBC = Japan Boxing Commission, etc. recommends that the organizers of the boxing in the Tokyo metropolitan area, 1 metropolitan area and 3 prefectures, refrain from holding the event until the declaration is lifted. became.

JBC and the Japan Professional Boxing Association held a regular meeting online to discuss measures against the new coronavirus.

In this process, we discussed how to respond to the state of emergency issued to one of the three prefectures in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

As a result, it was decided to encourage the organizers of the entertainment in the target area to refrain from holding the event until the declaration was lifted.

If the event is to be held, it is a condition that the medical institution that accepts the emergency should be secured and the audience should be closed in principle, and even if the audience is included, the event should be completed by 8:00 pm.

Tsuyoshi Yasukouchi, Executive Director of JBC, said, "Since the state of emergency did not request to refrain from the event, it became a form of" recommendation "for self-restraint. If the content of the declaration changes, we would like to respond accordingly." I'm talking to you.

In professional boxing, due to the influence of the new coronavirus, all games were canceled for about five months until it resumed in mid-July last year.