New Major League Baseball coach Larusa "Arrested for drunk driving in February" US media November 10, 14:47

New coach Tony La Russa, who will lead the White Sox in the Major Leagues starting next season, was accused of drunk driving shortly before his inaugural press conference last month, according to US media.

La Russa will be in command of the White Sox starting next season and had an inaugural press conference on the 29th of last month.

However, according to US media, Larusa was arrested in February in Arizona for a drunk driving accident and was accused the day before the inaugural press conference.

Larusa was also arrested for drunk driving in 2007 when he was commanding Cardinals, and this is his second arrest.

The White Sox admitted that he was aware of the incident, but said he would "refrain from commenting."

Larusa is 76 years old.

In addition to having won a total of 2728 wins, which is the third place in history as a manager, he is known as a famous general such as winning the World Series three times, and has been selected as the National Baseball Hall of Fame.