The formal appeal of the four-year suspension sentence was sent by registered letter on 3 November.

But the letter has not reached the court in Lausanne, Switzerland, according to Fransson's representative Mats Larsson.

According to DN, the last day to appeal the verdict was November 4.

- Jenny has a receipt for the shipment, so even if it should have disappeared, we believe that she has appealed in time, Larsson tells DN.

Must receive financial support to appeal

Even if Cas accepts the appeal, it is not certain that she will complete it due to the high costs.

A trial with three judges costs SEK 400,000 and according to Mats Larsson, Fransson must receive financial support from Cas in order for it to be possible to pursue the matter.

- We hope that Jenny will be offered this support.

If she does not get it, it will be difficult to continue the process.

It will be far too much money for her, he says to DN.

It was in February that it became clear that the former World Cup gold medalist had tested positive for the anabolic steroid methyltestosterone.

The Doping Board sentenced Fransson to four years' suspension, a verdict that was upheld by the National Sports Board after the appeal.

Fransson has always denied having taken the banned substance.