“Negative wrestler” Masayo Grab confidence with experience and horsepower Go to New Ozeki September 28, 0:48

"I don't want to hit everyone as much as possible

." Masayo, who once became a hot topic as a "negative wrestler" because of his bearish side at the new Juryo press conference.

With the spiritual strength gained through the experience of fighting for the championship and the horsepower generated from the trained body, he gained "confidence" and achieved his first victory and secured the position of Ozeki.

"A wrestler without greed" ...

"If I can get my sumo wrestling, I think I'll be able to achieve some results."

After the efforts on the first day of this place, there was no sign of Shodai Naoya as a negative wrestler.

The 28-year-old Masayo was promoted to the new Sekiwake at the required 11 places and the required 17 places when he stepped on the first bale in the previous sumo wrestling in 2014.

As a sumo wrestler who made his debut in the previous sumo wrestler after 1958, when all of them became a six-place system a year, he was able to advance to the top of three fingers.

While his unique sense of sumo is highly evaluated, such as showing the strength of the upper body that dispels the power of the opponent, he is a negative "wrestler without greed" including the remarks at the new Juryo and the new opening press conference. It is also true that many masters pointed out that they were unsatisfactory.

First place "It wasn't a mistake to come"

It was the first place to say that such a sumo wrestler was one of the turning points.

Masayo who spent about three years falling to the flat curtain from the three roles he got in speed career.

At the first place, he participated in the battle for the championship until Chiakiraku, and in the 4th front of the match against the top, he won 13 wins, which was the most in his own right. I looked back.

In the spring place when he returned to Sekiwake, he won for the first time in three roles, and in the July place where he won 11 wins, he experienced the second victory battle, and if he took his own sumo, he was confident that he would not lose even to the top opponents.

“Pressure to move forward”

So what is that "my sumo"?

After entering this year, a big change was seen in the opening.

Until now, sumo wrestling, in which the opponent's attack was received from the height of the waist, was conspicuous, but since the first place, the number of sumo wrestling that makes use of horsepower has increased, and Japanese sumo wrestling The president of the association, Mr. Hachikaku, highly evaluated, "There is pressure to move forward. The horsepower has increased."

Masayo cites training centered on the lower body as one of the factors that increased horsepower.

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the practice of colliding with each other was restricted, and from around May when the summer place was canceled, "If you can not get sumo, let's face the body on the contrary" and use equipment to increase the instantaneous power Thorough training of the lower body used.

Masayo deepened his confidence by realizing the effect of the training, saying, "The pressure has increased and the sumo wrestling that is delayed in the presence has decreased."

The true value shown in the Ozeki battle

The place where we have just arrived.

It was at the end of the Ozeki battle that Masayo, who had a lot of white stars in the sumo wrestling that went forward from the first day and decided the game with haste, showed his true value.

On the 13th day, in the match against Takakeishō, the power of pushing will fight against one of the best active opponents without taking a step back and win.

In the following game against Asanoyama on the 14th day, I won the pressure by witnessing the body and pushed down Asanoyama's waist and overwhelmed him.

President Hachikaku showed his strength, saying, "I won the horsepower. I couldn't imagine it."

Then, in Chiakigaku, who said, "I was the most nervous in my life as a sumo wrestler," I showed the strength of the game to reverse at the edge of the field and managed to win the first victory.

Masayo finally got the gift with the spiritual strength cultivated by experiencing the battle for the championship many times and the strength of the horsepower proved by defeating both Ozeki.

After the award ceremony, when asked about Ozeki, who was sure to be promoted, he said, "I'm in a position where I'm responsible, so I'd like to move up." Was returned.

However, his remarks and facial expressions seemed to have the style of Ozeki, who had confidence in his chest, unlike before.