As a student, you must have been troubled by homework, right?

Reading comprehension, three-dimensional geometry, cloze... Those head-scratching tasks appear in the exercise book day after day.

In contrast, physical education is a campus time that many students are waiting eagerly for. Running and jumping is always more enjoyable than studying.

  If one day, when your physical education teacher is preparing a team and preparing to call for the end of get out of class, he suddenly says: "Dear students, there is an assignment that needs to be completed after school today..." How would you feel standing in the team?

Data map: On June 8, students from Hongye Campus of Beijing Fengtai No. 5 Primary School had a physical education class on the playground.

On the same day, the fourth and fifth grade students of Beijing Primary School officially returned to school and resumed classes.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhang Xinglong

  On the morning of the 22nd, the State Council Information Office held a press conference. Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Department of Sports, Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, revealed in response to reporters that in the near future, a new content will be added to the students’ homework list——

  Sports homework, it's really here!

Data map: On February 24, at the school affiliated to Guangzhou Foreign Language School, a teacher recorded physical education lessons for students.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Chen Jimin

  "Physical education is the same as Chinese, mathematics, and foreign language. Physical education teaches health knowledge, basic sports skills, and special sports skills. You can't master it without practice. Chinese must be assigned homework, and future PE classes must also be assigned. Homework. Now we need to reduce the homework for the culture class, but the homework for the physical education class must be added, so as to ensure that our students master the skills of sports." This is Wang Dengfeng's speech at the press conference.

  How to leave homework for PE class?

This must be the confusion surrounding many people's minds.

Judging from the information disclosed at the press conference, the future reform of school physical education will first promote the teaching of health knowledge, basic sports skills and special sports skills to students in physical education classes.

Then the skills learned in class can’t be mastered without practice, and the physical exercises will also focus on the practice session.

  In fact, assigning physical education homework to students has long become a "routine operation" in many schools.

Here is the example time:

Case number one

  During the winter vacation of this year, Beijing Experimental No. 2 Primary School provided students with "rich and colorful" sports homework through the WeChat applet of "Physical Training Everyday".

Speaking of which, the functions of the mini program are powerful enough, daily clocking in, ranking of the whole class, uploading exercise photos, recording heart rate changes... all in one go, want to be lazy?

"Copy" homework?

No door...

  "There are a wide variety of guidance videos in the mini program, including basic movements such as push-ups and abdominal crunches, as well as whole-body movements such as neck stretching and abdominal muscle stretching, allowing children to conduct targeted training in comparison with the ranking set in the mini program. The system also has a strong motivating effect on children." A parent of the school student felt that his son was more active than before, and his movements became more and more stylish.

In his view, exercising with children not only cultivates children's exercise habits, but also enhances the relationship between parents and children.

I can see the parent’s support from the heart

For many families, parent-child communication time is too precious

The picture shows the skipping rope test.

Photo by Shao Xiaopeng

Case two

  300 skipping ropes a day, running for 15 minutes, and bending forward for 5 minutes in the sitting position-this is the homework assigned to the first-grade students by the Beijing Experimental School (Haidian) Primary School before the winter vacation last year. Parents are required to keep records and supervise them to complete.

The head of the teaching and research group of the school: "The school organizes a rope skipping competition every March. Students will actively practice before the competition. Their actual daily exercise volume far exceeds the 300 left for homework. This kind of active exercise will have a better effect."

  A parent of a student revealed that in order to increase the content and time of the child's physical exercise, he specifically enrolled his son in the first grade for extracurricular swimming classes and taekwondo classes. The swimming classes were three times a week, each 90 minutes, and the training volume was close to 2500 meters.

"With the foundation of swimming training, he warmed up before the taekwondo class for a 15-meter turnback run. He has stronger endurance than other kids, and he can sprint even when others can't run."

First grade

Just rushing to the future "Chinese Flying Fish" swam past!

Data map: A father and daughter are participating in the "Working Together" project.

Photo by Yang Di

Case three

  In order to enhance the physical fitness of students, not only Beijing, but many local education authorities have issued special documents to guide students to do physical exercises during summer vacations, and some places promote summer sports homework systems to encourage and supervise students to engage in appropriate sports every day.

  The Xinjianlu Primary School in Taiyuan City gave the children a "parent-child fitness" homework.

10-year-old Wang Xuebing applied for many indoor training courses in English and violin last summer.

This summer, she spent more time outdoors, not only actively exercising every day, but also sending videos to the class group to share the joy of "parent-child fitness" with everyone.

  Feng Hexia, the principal of Xinjianlu Primary School, said: "This year, the situation is special. The school has reduced written assignments and set up different types of physical exercises for students at different developmental stages, which will help them develop in an all-round way."

Of course it’s good to reduce written work in school!

I'm afraid after school...

Data map: The venue problem is equally tricky.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Wang Dongming

Case four

  As early as last summer vacation, Zhangjiakou City Education Bureau issued the "Notice on Doing Well in Summer Physical Exercise for Primary and Middle School Students", requiring all counties, districts, education bureaus and schools to make students "1 hour physical exercise per day" as a key requirement for summer homework. Based on the characteristics of the region, the school, and the actual conditions of the students, the summer vacation physical exercise plan for students is drawn up by grade to guide students to actively participate in physical exercise.

  In terms of specific operations, the county and district education bureau and the school shall issue a "Summer Vacation Physical Exercise Record Form" to each student, requiring each student to record the time, content and amount of physical exercise each day, and the parents will give feedback and suggestions and sign. Handed in to school after school starts.

  The notice requires that schools should actively create conditions during the summer vacation to open sports venues and facilities for students in time periods, formulate safety work plans for student sports activities during holidays, and do a good job of safety inspections of venues, facilities, and equipment. Schools with conditions can arrange teachers on duty Provide technical guidance and safety education for students' physical exercises, reduce students' sports injuries, and avoid the occurrence of safety liability accidents in sports activities.

Don't let yourself go too far during sports

Remember "safety first!"

Data map: Students wear masks in the playground to attend physical education class.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Qu Honglun

  In fact, most of the examples cited above are the supervising behavior of students' physical exercise during the school holidays, which may be different from the real "physical homework".

However, it is always changing, especially nowadays, students often face great pressure in cultural classes. If a lot of homework is interspersed with physical homework, it can be a good way to combine work and rest and adjust the physical and mental state. .

  However, in actual operation, a good policy may also require certain testing, polishing, and adjustment.

For example, time allocation, venue arrangements, and the need for assistance from others, and the two most important points are the safety of the students mentioned above, and whether they can be scientifically arranged and implemented.

Data map: Pupils of Taipingzhuang Primary School in Taipingzhuang Village, Hohhot City play football on the playground.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Liu Wenhua

  It is no easy task to assign physical education homework like cultural studies.

A parent mentioned in an interview with the China Youth Daily last year that during the holidays, the school will leave sports homework, one of which is skipping.

This is a good thing to urge children to exercise, but it makes parents worry about it, because the school requires children to take videos every day to upload and record data. They don’t have time to manage their own work, and they don’t have enough time to go to extracurricular classes every day, so they finally ask for help. At an after-school tutoring agency.

  This is just one of many problems that may arise.

At this stage, sports homework has grown from scratch, from scarcity to popularization, from unfamiliarity to familiarity, and is still in the process of continuous spreading. Teachers, students, parents, and various related departments and institutions need to gradually adapt. The habit is transformed into a habit, and the goal of improving the physical fitness of Chinese children is finally achieved.

On May 11th, at Yuying Middle School in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, first-year students who returned to school to resume classes had a physical education lesson on the playground.

On that day, junior high schools and high schools (including vocational vocational schools) in Shanxi Province welcomed non-graduating students back to school and resume classes.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Wei Liang

  To say a thousand words and ten thousand, exercise can strengthen the body, and exercise is never a bad thing.

If you can use physical education homework to form a benign interaction between physical education and culture classes, so that children can have a strong body while reading good books, this homework will be worth it even if it takes a little more work.

(Reporter Wang Sishuo)