Major League Baseball Twins Maeda Starting pitcher 5 times throwing 2 runs, no win or loss September 18, 8:14

Kenta Maeda, a pitcher of the Major League Baseball Twins, started the game against the White Sox on the 17th, pitched 5 times, and won or lost with 2 goals.

Pitcher Maeda has risen to the starting pitcher's mound, the tenth game of the season, against the White Sox in his opponent's hometown of Chicago.

In the first rise, the second batter hit in front of the center, but the following batter was double-played with a short ground ball.

After this, he struck out three times in a row in the second inning, and although he struck out three times with three people, he was hit by a solo home run from two outs in the fourth inning.

In the 5th inning, a solo home run was hit by the leading batter of this time in the scene of 2 to 1 and 1 point lead, and he was caught up with the tie and got off the mound this time.

Pitcher Maeda threw five innings and hit five hits, struck out eight strikeouts and scored two goals, with no win or loss.

The match was defeated by the Twins 3-4, and as a result, the game difference between the White Sox and the Twins in the second place in the American League Chubu area was widened to "3".