Major League Angels Otani 2 consecutive hits 4 at bats 1 hit 13:35 on September 10

On the 9th, Shohei Otani of the big league, Angels, started as a designated hitter in the Rangers match, hitting two games in a row and hitting one in four.

On the 9th, Otani started out as a No. 5 designated hitter in the Rangers' match against his opponent's hometown of Arlington, Texas.

Otani greeted the first bat at the two-out first-base scene immediately after scoring 1 point at a time, caught the changing ball while carrying the bat and carried it in front of the light, expanding the chance with two consecutive hits. It was.

After this, the third at-bat at the third inning was greeted with the chance of a full base for one out, but the strikeout was missed due to the timing of the changing ball, the third at-bat in the fifth inning was also struck out, and the fourth at-bat in the seventh inning was a left fly. was.

Otani has a batting average of 10:9:5 with 4 hits in 1 hit.

The match lost the Angels 3 to 7.