Major League Rays Tsutsuka 4 RBI 1 RBI 1 RBI Sep 9 11:58

On the 8th, Yoshitomo Tsutsuka of the major league, Rays, started the game against the Nationals and made a timely two-base hit.

Tsutsuka started on the 8th at the Nationals match against the opponent's hometown, Washington, at the 5th third.

The first at bat was a center fly, and the second at bat was a pitcher goro, but he made a timely two-base hit on the left line with the third at bat, which he had a chance to get out of the first base and second base six times.

The fourth bat was a strikeout.

Tsutsuka was one hit with four hits and one RBI.

Raise lost 3-5 in the match.