Major League Mariners Kikuchi 5 times 3 goals in this season's first victory August 28 12:38

Major League Mariner pitcher Yusei Kikuchi pitched in the Padres match on the 27th, winning his first victory of the season with three goals in five runs.

Kikuchi pitched in the second header of the 7-inning double header against Padres in his opponent's hometown, San Diego, with the aim of winning his first win this season.

Pitcher Kikuchi who went up to the mound with a large amount of support of 6 points each time, took 2 outs, and then the slider was carried to the left stand by No. 3 Machard who hit two home runs in the first game, and soloed. I lost one point on my home run.

In the second inning, he was hit by a triple hit and scored one point. In the 3rd and 4th innings, he scored no points, and in the 5th time, he lost 1 point in a timely manner, and in the 1st
out 1st base scene, Machard was struck by the double play of the third goro, with the right to win the pitcher. I got off the mound in times.

In the 7th inning, where the Mariners led five points, Kaju Hirano pitched a relief and pitched a runner at the fourth player, but closed the game without giving a score.

The Mariners won 8-3 and Kikuchi got his first win in the fifth game of the season. He threw five times, hit seven hits, gave no foreball, and scored six strikeouts for three goals. Hirano had no hits and one foreball each time.

"It took me five games, but I'm relieved."

Kikuchi said, “Every year, the first victory of the season is the most difficult. It took me five games, but I'm relieved.”

After that, he said, "The ball itself was thrown with confidence from the beginning, but it did not lead to a result easily and I thought that it was baseball. I felt it, so I want to be able to enjoy it every game," he said.