Major League Blue Jays Yamaguchi 4 times 1 goal Goal first victory after transfer 12:46 on August 27

Major League Baseball Blue Jays pitcher Shun Yamaguchi pitched with a relief in the Red Sox match on the 26th, holding 4 runs in 1 goal and making his first victory after transferring to the Major League.

Pitcher Yamaguchi pitched for the second time in the Red Sox match against Buffalo, New York, 3 times leading 2-0.

Uchino hit and a foreball suddenly led to a no-out first-base and second-base pinch, but both of them followed the double change and the short goro on the second goro with a low change-up, and did not score.

In the 4th inning, the 2nd outing hits the 5th batter, losing a point after hitting a home run for the first time in a major league, but in the 5th inning, it was held by 3 players, and in the 6th inning, one foreball was given. However, I changed to a goalless score.

Yamaguchi pitched the longest four times after the major league transfer, hitting two hits, two foreballs, two strikeouts, and one goal.

The Blue Jays won the game 9-1 and pitcher Yamaguchi became the pitcher, making his first major league win.

Yamaguchi pitchers now have 1 win and 2 losses.