Yoonhee Choi, the 2nd Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism) was an Asian swimming star recognized by himself. In the 1982 Asian Games in New Delhi at the age of 15, she won three crowns for the first time in women's backstroke 100m, 200m, and personal medley 200m. In the Asian Games held in Seoul in 1986, she swept both 100m and 200m for women's backstroke. I even enjoyed popularity.

Vice Minister Choi Yoon-hee, who was much faster than others as a swimmer 30 years ago, is said to be too slow in the administration. A person from the domestic sports field said, "I can't spend this time without thinking that I've been working as a vice-minister for about 10 years. Even when the late Choi Sook-hyun case broke out, he couldn't come up with his own philosophy or countermeasures that stood out in the answer to the National Assembly hearing. I'm digesting it, but I don't know what I've done specifically so far,” he shook his head.

The first reason why some sportsmen are criticized for being'procrastinated administration' and'independence of milk' is the controversy over the opening of the sports ethics center. The Sports Ethics Center, which is in charge of eradicating corruption in the sports industry and protecting the human rights of players, held a business initiation ceremony on the 5th, with the attendance of Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Park Yang-woo.

However, even though it has been a month since its inception, the Clean Sports Center of the Korean Sports Association, which is destined to be disbanded soon, is still in charge of reporting and investigating sports corruption such as violence and sexual violence.

An official of the Korea Sports Association said, "If the work of the Clean Sports Center is handed over to the Sports Ethics Center, the Clean Sports Center will disappear and the counselors and investigators will leave the Sports Association. .

After all, the employees of the Clean Sports Center of the Korean Sports Association are working on the protection of the human rights of athletes in a situation where they do not know whether they will quit tomorrow or a few months later.

The explanation of the controversy over the opening of the Sports Ethics Center is as follows.

“The report and investigation work is planned to begin after analysis and acceptance of unprocessed report cases by existing report receiving organizations such as the Korea Sports Association Clean Sports Center, report handling system maintenance and test operation, and training for investigators and counselors. And in order to maintain the continuity of the investigation, the Korea Sports Association (Clean Sports Center) has negotiated to maintain the existing business for the time being until the time when the Ethics Center accepts reports and starts the investigation."

However, the explanation of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is not convincing. The main business of the Sports Ethics Center is the reception and investigation of sports corruption reports. It is very common sense to hold a business initiation ceremony and go to work right away. If you are not ready to do your main job, you should not hold an opening ceremony. If the restaurant is new and cannot be sold to customers because it is not ready for the next 20 days, it is not open and should not be opened.

It's also not that I didn't have enough time. The launch of the Sports Ethics Center was carried out in accordance with the amendment (promulgated on February 4, 20) of the National Sports Promotion Act. Was able to initiate.

Another slow administration is not to disclose whether or not to approve the revision of the articles of incorporation of the Korean Sports Association for the past four months. On the 13th, the Korean Sports Association, which has been waiting for, requested that the articles of incorporation be approved as soon as possible when it made a business report to Vice Minister Choi Yoon-hee on the 13th.

On July 28, Vice Minister Choi Yoon-hee sent a text message to all of the reporters on July 28, about a month after the late Choi Sook-Hyun incident, and on July 30, Vice Minister Choi announced that he would directly announce the'promotion plan for the protection of human rights in the sports field'. It was also canceled afterwards. A month has passed since then, but the announcement of the'Promotional Measures for Human Rights Protection in the Sports Field' is still the'Gambling News'.

The main task of the 2nd Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is to oversee the sports administration in Korea. As Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Park Yang-woo is not a sportsman and has no experience in sports administration, Vice Minister Choi Yoon-hee's shoulders are bound to be heavy.

Choi, who helped in the election of President Moon Jae-in, was selected as a surprise in December of last year. Eight months is not enough time to adjust to the administration of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and to figure out what to do. In <Thesis>, there is a word "min language Saisin language" (敏於事而愼於言). It means to be agile in work and to be careful in words. Vice Minister Yoon-hee Choi is very careful with his words. I hope to make things agile in the future. We look forward to showing you the experience and know-how accumulated over a long period of time in the field of sports.