<Anchor> In the

Europa League final, Seville beat Inter Milan to the top. Like the King of Europa, he advanced to the 6th final and'everyone won'.

This news is from Kim Hyung-yeol.


Sevilla scored the opening goal in 5 minutes in the first half.

Carlos fouled Inter Milan Lukaku from inside the penalty box and Lukaku scored 11 consecutive goals in the Europa League with his own penalty kick.

Seville fought back with a dragon.

De Yong balanced with a dive heading goal in the 12th minute of the first half, and scored a heading reversal in the 33rd minute free kick.

Inter Milan also fought back after two minutes with Godin's header.

Afterwards, the tight balance broke in the second half of the 29th minute.

Carlos shoots a picturesque overhead kick, and Lukaku tries to stop it and the ball goes into the post.

Carlos, who committed the first penalty foul, smiled wide this time, and Lukaku, the lead of the opening goal, bowed his head with his own goal in the final.

When the ending whistle sounded, the Sevilla players hugged and cheered, and wept with tears of joy and thrilled to win.

The season ended brilliantly with the 6th championship trophy, the most in history.

[Director Lopetegi/Sevilla: The spirit of Seville and the spirit of the fans are here together. Now I need a beer and a party.]

Inter Milan Conte, who was ridiculed and warned of hair transplantation during a battle with opponent Banega during the game, hinted at parting after missing the winning trophy.

[Director Conte/Inter Milan: I was happy to be the coach of Inter Milan.] In the

opening game of French professional football, Hwang Eui-jo drew without a goal from Bordeaux Nantes, the starter.

(Video editing: Young-taek Oh, CG: Myung-hwan Bang)