Pro baseball results summary Giant beat Yakult Sugano wins 7 consecutive wins August 12 23:51

Six night games have been played in professional baseball, and the Giants in the S-League have defeated Yakult and Ace Sugano has won seven consecutive victories since the opening.

SE League

▽ Giant vs Yakult, the giant won 8 to 1.

The giant reversed five points, with Naoki Yoshikawa's two-point timely and Sakamoto's No. 8 tournament twice in pursuit of one point.

We expanded the lead with Sakamoto's 9th solo and Okamoto's 16th solo six times.

The starting pitcher, Sugano, has seven runs in a row with one goal in seven runs.

The giant is the first victory in five games.

For Yakult, the starting pitcher started out twice with 5 goals and the team collapsed for the third time in a row, winning 50% of the time.

▽ DeNA vs. Hanshin, Hanshin won 7 to 6.

Hanshin reversed 5 points from 4 outs, 2 outs, with Chikamoto's timely, Nakatani's No. 2 three run, and Sands's No. 8 solo, earning 5 points all at once.

In the 7th inning, which was close to the point difference, the extra point was added by the substitute dead ball of the substitute hit, Yokawa.

The starting pitcher, Aoyagi, scored his fifth win with four goals in six runs.

In DeNA, the starting pitcher Hamaguchi lost 4 runs and 6 goals.

▽ Hiroshima vs. Chunichi won 4 to 1 on Chunichi.

In the middle of the 4th, Iryo got ahead of 2 points in a timely manner, and in the 6th time, Iryo chose the foreball that was pushed out and added 2 points.

The starting pitcher Yanagi won the second win with four hits in the middle of eight times and a good pitch with one goal.

In Hiroshima, three double plays played and the starting pitcher Chris Johnson struggled with four foreballs and six controls in the middle of the sixth inning.

Pacific League

▽ In Seibu vs. Rakuten, Rakuten won 6-2.

Rakuten has expanded the lead by adding 3 points, including Ota's 2nd pre-emptive timely, 4th inning 2nd run, and 7th inning Mogi's timely.

The starting pitcher, Wakui, was hit by two consecutive home runs for Mori and Mehia in the 7th inning, but only two points were scored for the opening 7 consecutive wins.

Seibu has lost six consecutive games since the season four years ago.

▽ SoftBank vs. Orix SoftBank won 6-0.

SOFTBANK scored 2 points in No. 5 Matsuda's timely record, and widened the lead with No. 3 Yanagita's three base and Akira Nakamura's timely record in 6th.

The starting pitcher, Wada, has three hits in the middle of the seventh inning and is the fourth win with a good goal without a goal.

Softbank has won three consecutive games.

Orix did not connect the batting line and lost 5 consecutive games.

▽ Lotte v. Nippon-Ham, Nippon-Ham won 12-4.

Nippon-Ham won first with Nakata's 14th run, added 2 points with Usami's timely, etc. in the 2nd, and released with Nakata's 15th three-run in the 7th.

The 7th pitcher connected the pitcher, and the 3rd pitcher Tamai held his 6th inning without a goal and scored his 4th win.

Lotte started with pitcher Kojima, who scored 6 runs in the 7th inning, and the team's winning streak was 4.