Professional baseball: Softbank and Rakuten line up at the top of the league. Close battle on August 11, 23:51.

In professional baseball, five night games were played, and in the Pacific League, Softbank and Rakuten, who lined up at the top of the league, won a close match.

This is the Par League. Softbank vs. Orix Softbank won 8-7. SOFTBANK was able to make a comeback in No. 14 three-run, which was Yanagita's second home run in the sixth inning, which was 5 to 6 and 1 point. The starting pitcher, Chiga, had 6 runs in 6 innings, but his 4th win. Orix scored 6 points with T-Okada's No. 6 base run home run in the 5th inning to make a turnaround, but he was unable to escape and lost 4 consecutive games. In Seibu vs. Rakuten, Rakuten won 7 to 5. Rakuten was reversed by 6 points, Kobukada's 2-point timely two base, which was led by 1 point, 7 times by Shimauchi's timely, and 9 times by Kobukada's timely two base. .. The starting pitcher, Yuge, is the third win with four runs in five runs. Seibu once led with two home runs every four times, but is the first five consecutive losses this season. Lotte wins Nippon Ham by 3 to 1. Lotte made a comeback in No. 12 three-run, which was Martin's four-run home run four times in a row. The starting pitcher, Mima, was the third win with one goal in the fifth inning, and Masuda was the 13th save. Lotte has won 4 consecutive victories. Nippon Ham couldn't take advantage of repeated chances, and the streak stopped at 4. This is the SE League. DeNA vs. Hanshin, Hanshin won 9-2. Hanshin won two points in the timely two base of Sands player and Umeno player six times one to one. In the 9th inning, Kinami added 2 points in a timely two base and added 5 points each. The starting pitcher, Garcia, is the first win of the season with one goal in seven runs. DeNA is only 2 points by 2 solo home runs, and the winning streak stops at 3. Chunichi won 8 to 1 in Hiroshima vs. Chunichi. Chunichi had four times, and Takahashi's No. 2 Touran and Fukuda's timely three points were the first to score three points. In the 8th time, Rookie Gunji, and in the 9th time, Bisiedo's timely lead, widening the lead. The starting pitcher, Fukuya, scored a white star for the first time in three years with one goal in the middle of the sixth inning. In Hiroshima, the batting line did not connect and there was only one point.